Let me share with you a story about this dear creature
Name her Tress
Tress is a loving daughter to her parents, someone who spoils her nieces and nephews and brothers and sisters, and a social person who loves to talk with anyone about life and show inspiration.
Tress loves to write diaries and keep lover letters and is sentimental; she likes writing a lot, and poetry is one of them. This is the origin of POETRESS, thanks to her partner for buying the URL. Poetress is a combination of Poetry and Tress. Nice? She does more of that, like assertressa because her real name is Tressa, but she likes to be called Tress more. She can make art from words, text, phrases, etc. You will see some of her work here.
Tress challenged herself to read a book every day, a minimum of 1 page, but she always read more to finish the whole context or the whole chapter and wildly when entertained. She will also share a summary of the books she has read here. So if you have suggestions for good reads, message her.
She also does sewing and drafting design gowns. She has her own sewing machine, thanks to her partner.
She draws and paints, as in her other past times. She will share her artwork here. Let her know what she needs to improve so she can make it better.
Tress is also an IT Professional, a Sr. Project Manager, a Chief Operating Officer, an alumnus of a Singaporean F10 Accelerator and Incubator Program for Promising Start Companies, a Co-Founder of Emlo Tech, a Product company based in Singapore that specializes in solving regulatory problems of Financial Institutions and more. Tress is waiting for you to message her so you can talk about anything.
Tress is also a model, no, not what you think of; she is a model to her family, friends, and, most significantly, to her family members and or relatives. Makes sure she does what she says to set an example. That’s how Tress became a model. It might be too much to say that she is a provider, a giver, and generous, but she is proud that she is because she wants it to be normalized so there will be less of her past.
She mentions her past. Well, she has been a product of scholarships since High School. The Sisters of Mary School, which the benefactor Fr. Aloysius Schwartz built for the poorest of the poor. Yes, she is one of them. Also went to college as a scholar of PN or Passerelles numériques, a French Non-governmental organization with a mission of helping young underprivileged people. Yes, she is still one of them because she knows that a high school graduate is insufficient to find a good, high-paying job.
So, growing up, she has learned that there are many generous people around the world, and she wants to be one of them in her own way until it’s big. She likes some aspects of her life’s mission to normalize generosity so we can continue making this world a better place.
And YES, she has been doing that. Sent 3 students to college, gave them shelter, food, clothes, and allowance, and on the side, continuously talked and listened to them about life, day-to-day happenings, and story-tell about the path she made because they didn’t necessarily have to follow her path, they just have to learn from it. She has also done some little charities by extending help to those she has seen trying to make life better but struggling. Being so hardworking, she supports them, giving them cash and food to last a few days to a week and some resources to pursue their studies. She gave someone she is not close with but a friend of a family some shelter, food, and allowance even if she is renting a small room. She doesn’t have to be rich to be able to help. She starts now and every day. And there is a significant return to it; she is happy and can always find herself smiling and satisfied with her life, filling fulfilled whenever she can help. It’s good, pleasant, and makes her more beautiful.
There are too many for an introduction; she will go into details of each paragraph and make a page for you who are waiting. She will; she promised that. So she stops here.

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